© BAL Assessments

Determining the Bushfire Attack Level (BAL)
With referance to Australian Standard AS3959

Contact us for a quote to do your BAL report or your BMO report

Our assessors work all over Victoria and Tasmania.

We can undertake your BMO site and vegetation assessment and
address all three Application Requirements of cls. 44.06 & 53.02.

We can undertake Bushfire Risk Assessments under PPF 13.02
For Strategic and Settlement Planning, Land Use Planning.
Experts' reports for planning scheme amendments/rezoning applications.
For use and development applications in a Bushfire Prone Area.


Experts' Reports
for presentation at VCAT, the Building Appeals Board or Panel Hearings


We can undertake your Bushfire Hazard Report (BHR) and provide:
A Bushfire Hazard Management Plan (BHMP)
A Certificate under S51(2)(d) Land Use Planning and Approvals Act 1993
A Form 55 Certificate

McArthur Forest Fire Danger Meter Mk5

Enter the coefficients in the appropriate boxes

(0-100 °C)

Rel Humidity

Wind Speed
(0-100 km/hr)

Fuel Load
(0-50 tonnes/ha)

Drought Factor

Ground Slope

Forest FDI

McArthur Mk 5

Flame Height

Spotting Distance

Rate of Spread

Available 7 days a week, ring us on 0417 885 747

We now accept Card payments

We would welcome the opportunity of expanding on any of the points mentioned above.

Mobile: 0417 885 747
email: [email protected]
6 | Home | What is a BAL | Bushfire Management Overlay | BAL and Building Costs | Insurance | What Information do we need | Our Methodology | Our Equipment | Our Assessors | Our Assessors | McArthur Forest Fire Danger Meter Mk5 | McArthur Grassland Fire Danger Meter Mk4 | BAL-Chart |